Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

4 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!

4 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!

1.   Lumpia Gang Lombok

10 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!
Lumpia dan Semarang rasanya sudah seperti perangko, melekat banget. Banyak orang mengidolakan lumpia Semarang yang dibilang punya citarasa unik dan beda dari lumpia kebanyakan.
Meski ada banyak penjual lumpia di sana, tapi salah satu  yang paling terkenal adalah kios lumpia di Gang Lombok. Tempatnya dekat dengan kelenteng tertua di Semarang, Kelenteng Tay Kak Sie. Terdapat lumpia basah atau goreng, selain makan di tempat, kamu bisa bawa pulang untuk oleh-oleh.

2.   Soto Bangkong

10 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!
Katanya Soto Bangkong ini sudah ada sejak tahun 1950, lho. Mulai dijual dengan cara dipikul dari kampung ke kampung sampai sudah punya kios besar seperti sekarang. Lokasinya berada di Jalan Brigjen Katamso yang dulunya bernama Jalan Bangkong. 
Kuahnya yang kental, kaya rempah-rempah, dan memakai ayam kampung sebagai pelengkap membuatnya beda dengan soto lainnya. Selain soto, kamu bisa juga pesan makanan lainnya yang gak kalah sedap, seperti garang asem atau ayam goreng kampung.
Alamat: Jalan Brigjen Katamso dan Jalan Setia Budi Nomor 229, Semarang.

3.   Kampoeng Semawis

10 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!
Pasar malam Kampoeng Semawis ini jadi surganya para pecinta kuliner, karena sekali datang, kamu bisa menemukan puluhan pedagang makanan berbagai jenis. Mulai dari siomay, lumpia, martabak manis, bakmi Jawa, sampai makanan kekinian seperti churros pun ada.
Pasar malam yang berada di kawasan Pecinan ini hanya buka pada Jumat-Minggu mulai pukul 18.00. Jadi wajib disempatkan datang!
Alamat: Jalan Gang Warung Nomor 50, Semarang.

4. Nasi Gandul Pak Memed

10 Wisata Kuliner Semarang yang Legendaris dan Wajib Dicoba!
Nasi gandul ini sekilas mirip soto Betawi dan soto tangkar khas Jakarta, tapi ada ciri khusus yang membedakan keduanya. Nasi gandul biasanya disajikan di atas piring beralas daun pisang dan disantap menggunakan suru alias sendok dari daun pisang yang dilipat.
Citarasanya khas banget, banyak yang bilang seperti perpaduan rasa antara soto, rawon, dan gulai. Dalam seporsi nasi gandul, terdapat nasi putih yang disiram kuah kecokelatan, ditambah potongan lauk seperti daging sapi dan jeroan. Salah satu warung legendaris yang menjual makanan ini di Semarang adalah Nasi Gandul Pak Memed.
Alamat: Jalan Dr. Cipto 12A, Semarang.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

from : agus satoto
to : zaki yusmawan
subject : to reply recommended book

i am sorry because late reply your email. i don't have recommended book for dictionary. when i was young i can learn english language with movie and game. i think game and movie my foundation to i can speak english. if you need dictionary you can buy at bookstore, all the dictionary is same depending on the intention of learning english. fight!!!

your teacher
agus satoto

From: Agus Satoto
To: Rakly Arya
subject: I will answer on your request about learning to write and speak good English. 

I'm fine, thank you very much, Rakly. I can help you to learn to write and speak good English. But sorry, this day I finished learning can't teach, because I had no business can't be abandoned. Maybe tomorrow afternoon and you can meet me at my house. See you tomorrow, Rakly.

Your teacher
Agus satoto

(By: Sivi Maynika)

To : Dian Nur .A
From : Mr.Agus
Subject : Replying email

Waalaikumsalam wr.wb

Morning too dian, writing an email, we should write the opening first, then the contents of the topics that will be delivered, then cover. Don't forget to include the sender's name. Use simple language used to be, for better use of the verb later. Your welcome, Dian.

Waalaikumsalam wr.wb

Your teacher

(By: Sisi Maynika)

Senin, 12 Desember 2016

My Interesting Experience

      Hi my name is Ryquells Adityatama but you can call me Rico. I was born on 9th january 1998. I have two brothers who have a handsome faces more than me. I was grateful have to be born in this family. In this life, sometimes we meet a best, interesting, funny, sad, or Unpredictable experience. Now i wont to tell you my interesting experience. My interesting or my best experience is when i was dive in the sea of menjangan island. It was my first time to dive in the sea. I feel excited and worried in the same time because it is my first time and then i anxious if there is a shark or other sea animal that can hurts me. So in the boat when i on the way to the dive spot, i was tell to my self that i have to be brave because it would be my best experience.
       When i have been in the dive spot, i prepare my self and ready to wear my dive clothes. There is a mask, wetsuit, oxygen tube, and fins. When i was ready, my dive instructor tell me that i have to stay calm and must to control my breath. So i jump into the water and i have a  warm up so my foot or other parts of my body wouldn't cramps. Then i have to start my dive tour. First i just can dive in 5 meters depth. It was so hard to control our breath. I think it caused i feel so panic and i was negative thinking about what would happen next. So i try to control my breath and delete that my negative opinion. When i succes to do that, i can breath tidly and i already enjoy that views. It is unbelieveable view. You can see a beautiful fish and a beautiful coral reefs. You will be feel so amazed with the beautiful view who God have been bring to us in this indonesia. You have to grateful with it, caused it was so beautiful view and i was speechless when i saw it. There is a lot kind of beautiful fish with a different colour and size. There also a gorgeous coral reefs that makes you want to stay in that sea. The water was so clean, it looks like a clear glass. You can see around that spot with a perfect visibility. And thats all makes me want to grateful all day to God, who have been bring us a beautiful world. And it's all makes me realized that God was create it all with perfectly include us a human. He never made something bad because we created with His reflection. If we have been grateful, we will realized that. Nobody the best or nobody the worst. All of god creature is perfect.
    That's all my unforgetable experience, may you get a chance to visit and feel the experience of diving. Thank you :)

Replying the email


To : Shasi Titi
From : Mr. Agus

   Thanks for your email Shasi. For the meeting which will come I'm going to ask what you know. I will give you the best for you so you can understand English. So wait a meeting to come.

Mr. Agus